Mon, 22 October - Enquiry: Intersections and Ar-ticulations

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In a group with Mozhdeh - Display - What is Display. My take can be seen in the slideshow above.

Mozhdeh made a comment that I always answer a question with a question and this 'makes her laugh' as I avoid answering the initial questions. I was a little offended by this accusation as my intention is not to avoid, it is simply that the question that was asked provoked a process of enquiry in my own mind and I am sharing that. I looked it up as I was sure there was a term for it. There is: Maieutic - Socratic method of cooperative argument, answering questions with a question with a view to eliciting new ideas from another idea.

Comments from others and thoughts about the other presentations.:

Site, as abstract, site as body, markers - territory - claiming as own, inaccessible makes it desirable, politics of a site

the aggressive element of display - documentation - Tino Sehgal -doesn't document - present is authentic to you. - install our work rather than display so it's about the experience, it must own and belong in the space. 

Where does the work live? - Where does the work take place?

T- is the gallery a site where the audience goes to display itself?

How do we stop an audience and still have a debate? - use what is appropriate but you need to understand it. Would the presentations work if we changed the titles?

without audience participation - the work is dead.

internet penetrations - the presentations say so much about who we are.

do we all need a wiki page? - critical dialogues - wiki page?