- Week 4 Mar 11th Continue with production, once each moment of production is 'completed' as such, reflect immediately to stay on top and also revisit and compare with previous productions - Mon 12 Mar: Tutorial AR
Reflections since last tutorialStill getting caught up in research rather than making and using reading/organization as procrastination. Also holding back on making down to fear and overthinking so need to move on with this.Feeling more comfortable with MA Journal, but still can share more. Perhaps start to share more ad hoc using phone etc.Discussion and recommendations EXPLORATORY PROJECT: Don’t use the plan as a stick to beat myself with! It’s to go back to but not to stick rigidly to. Document stuff – add it into the plan. Where am I now? What do I feel about where I am now? FEEDBACK FROM AW: dipping books: making them more eloquent, became object & something more than books – more metaphorical, poignant – sad & out of date, no longer available, disappearing or collapsing, how it affected them, more poetic.Revisit and consider the material finish, edit out (or in) the successful ones. In evaluation they work but materials need to be refined, think about how they come across both digitally and in person. One problem can be that too much work is submitted and not edited to show the strongest practice.Think about what you did in terms of transformation.MA Journal: make spaces for reflection, revisit plan, not use as a weapon, meet with group. Agreed actions (if any)
- revisit plan
- document making
- making more for the sake of it and let it evolve
- evaluate materiality